diagnosis essentials
1. There is mostly a history of sprain of the knee.
2. Immediately after sprain there are sharp pain, swelling and dysfunction of the knee joint. At the early stage, it is difficult to make a detailed examination due to the sharp pain, so an early diagnosis is almost impossible. Continue to learn TCM Treatment for Tuberculous Lymphadenitis.
3. The disease duration is long and hard to cure for the chronic cases or the cases with no definite traumatic history. The main symptoms are knee pain on motion, claudication, flicking sound and "interlock sign" (When walking, there suddenly occurs sharp pain and the knee joint fails to extend and flex just like getting locked; after moving the knee a little bit or 2 or 3 minute massage, it will be relieved and can walk again). There is no swelling in the sick knee but atrophy of quadriceps femoris and tenderness in articular space of the knee. Both Mc. Murray's sign and Apley’s sign are positive.
4. Air or iodized oil arthrography, or arthroscopy of the knee can confirm the diagnosis.