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Eat ragi or bajra roti instaed of wheat chapati. Eat more veggies like lady fingers, spinach broccoli take more fibre rich and vit c rich food for better absorption of iron. Take honey wherever possible instead of sugar. Avoid tea, coffee and carbonated drinks.
Beetroot: Beetroot is highly beneficial for those who suffer from anemia due to iron deficiency, which is the most common of all types of anemia. It has high iron content, along with fiber, calcium, potassium, sulfur and vitamins. In addition to providing nutrition, beetroot helps cleanse the body and supply more oxygen throughout the body. This in turn helps increase the body’s red blood cell count.
-- Blend one medium-size beetroot, three carrots and one-half of a sweet potato in a juicer. Drink this juice once daily.
-- You can also eat beetroots as a cooked vegetable or in a salad. Eat the peel along with the beetroot for maximum nutritional value.