Tai Chi lowers stress, anxiety and depression levels. It reduces mood disturbance and boosts self-esteem. This form of Chinese martial arts also boosts self-confidence and overcomes the fear of pain.
You can do basic Tai Chi moves at home. Here’s how.
Windmill exercise.
Stand with feet parallel, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Let arms hang loose. Bring hands in front your body using your pubic bone while your fingers point down. Breathe in. Raise arms to the center above your head; fingers pointed upwards. Stretch upwards and bend your spine slightly backward.
Breathe out
Slowly bend forward to the floor and move hands to the center. Bend forward from the hip joint, letting your arms hang loosely in front. Breathe in and go back to starting position.
Knee rolls
Stand with feet slightly apart, knees bent a bit. Put hands on knees; fingers pointed toward each other. Rotate knees to the left, back, right and front. Do this in clockwise and counter-clockwise direction.
Hand exercises
Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Raise arms straight ahead of you, shoulder height. Stretch hands as far as you can. Rotate wrists clockwise, then counter-clockwise.
Closing stance
This aims to balance your energy and promote relaxation and quiet. Stand with feet hip-width apart. Relax shoulders. Cup hands with palms facing up, resting in front of your pelvis. Close eyes. Breathe in. Imagine pulling energy up as you position your hands to your chest. Breathe out. Rotate hands and let your palms face down. Imagine pushing energy downwards while your hands move toward the floor. Repeat as many times as you can.