(1) Acute orchitis is common seem in young and middle-aged people and children. The acute orchitis is usually caused by urinary system infections, prostatovesiculitis and resection of prostate. The main symptoms are: acute onset, multi-fever, chills, scrotal pain in the affected side of testicle, tight skin, redness, swelling, urgent urination, frequent micturition, pain obviously when pressing, complicated by hydrocele of tunica vaginalis.
(2) Chronic orchitis: It is usually developed from acute orchitis or appears the chronic manifestation at the beginning of the orchitis. The main symptoms are: no obvious constitutional symptoms, gradually swollen testicles become the formation of induration, light pain or no pain, no red or hot in the scrotum, often appear abscess after a few months or 1-2 years, flow out thin pus after often, and sometimes form fistula, hard to be treated.
(3)Signs: with the performance of mumps or other acute infectious diseases. Unilateral or bilateral testicular swelling, obvious pain when pressing, no clear boundary with epididymis, sometimes secondary onset of acute testicle hydrocele of tunica vaginalis.
(4) Laboratory tests: excessive leukocyte, normal routine examination of urine or with albumen or microscopic hematuria occasionally. Mumps bad for the kidney function, renal damage. The special type of virus can be found in the urine examination.
(5) Based on clinical manifestations and signs and laboratory tests, this disease can be diagnosed definitely. But in the clinic, it must differentiate with acute epididymitis. At the early stage of acute orchitis, the epididymis doesn’t be inflamed, but at the later stage, the boundary of the epididymis orchitis and testicle is not clear. No testicle in the urethra, pyuria, no systemic infectious diseases. These symptoms are helpful to diagnosis.