The most important points to remember in the treatment of diphtheria, after the doctor has seen the patient, are isolation of the patient, strict bed rest, and the early use of diphtheria antitoxin. Keep the patient in a well-ventilated room, but kept warm until the most serious stage of the disease is over. If no professional medical help is available immediately, steep one tsp. powdered Myrrha (Moyao) with a pinch of cayenne in a pint of boiling water for 1/2 hr. Gargle and swab the throat thoroughly with this solution until the throat is clean. This will kill the poisons that are there. A hot fomentation to the throat, followed by a cold compress, will give great relief. Any problem with Constipation should be handled immediately with herb enemas or laxatives (bayberry or raspberry leaf tea).
If an emetic is needed, use bayberry bark and lobelia should be used, because these two herbs clean the mucous membranes and is stimulating, to that the poisonous exudation can be thrown off (healing and antiseptic). After vomiting once, repeat until stomach and throat are entirely clean. Sleepiness is not a good sign. Give a bayberry bark enema and emetic and 3 cups (half that for children) of prickly ash bark tea before you allow the patient to sleep. If there is wheezing or choking during sleep, wake the patient up and give a dose of red raspberry or bayberry tea. Also give fresh or unsweetened pineapple juice.
Use only fruit juices until patient is well cleaned out, the exudation has stopped, and the throat is clean. When the patient begins to recuperate, a diet of baked apples, potassium broth, soybean milk, fresh fruit and vegetables properly cooked.