There are several different factors that could lead to the urge to urinate more often than is normal. While some of these causes are fairly simple and can be rectified easily, others may be a bit more serious. In case the only symptom you experience is the urge to pass urine very often, without any pain or burning, then it may be best for you to first take a look at your diet, which includes your water consumption, as well as the medication you are on. Apart from water and certain medicine, you could also face the problem of urinating too often if you drink an excess amount of coffee, tea and aerated drinks during the day. These beverages contain caffeine, which flushes the water from your system, by making you urinate very often. Drinking alcohol can also have the exact same effect on the body. Therefore, before you decide to undergo any tests, it is best for you to analyze your dietary and lifestyle habits, so that you can bring about the necessary changes, without any delay.
In case you do experience other adverse symptoms too, like pain, burning sensation, fever and general discomfort, it is possible that you are suffering from a urinary tract infection. Fortunately, there are several treatment options through which this condition can be easily cured. Some of the other common causes for frequent urination include:
--Diabetes (Type-1 Diabetes, Type-2 Diabetes)
--Prostate problems, like an enlarged prostrate or prostatitis
--Interstitial cystitis
--Use of diuretics, which includes high blood pressure medication
--Neurological diseases or strokes
--Bladder stones or bladder cancer
--Cystocele Infection in the kidney
--Undergoing radiation treatment which affects the lower abdomen or pelvis
--Urinary incontinence