ORIGIN: The yellow-skin seed of Glycine max (Leguminosae)
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Containing a great deal of protein, fat, carbohydrate, carotene, vitamin B1 and B2, nicotinic acid, isoflavonoids and saponins. It also contains choline, folic acid, folinic acid, pantothenic acid, sialic acid, biotin and vitamin B12.
NATURE, FLAVOR AND CHANNEL TROPISM: Sweet in flavor and neutral in nature, acting on the channels of the spleen and large intestine.
Strengthening the spleen and relieving epigastric distention, moistening dryness and inducing diuresis. It is used for treatment of Infantile Malnutrition, Infant Diarrhea, dysentery, abdominal distention, emaciation, toxemia of pregnancy, pyogenic infections of skin and external diseases (such as Carbuncle, deep-rooted carbuncle, Furuncle, multiple abscess, scrofula, ulcer), and bleeding due to injury. Being antibacterial and antiphlogistic, Soybean is effective for Pharyngitis, Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis, stomatitis, bacillary dysentery and enteritis.
To be made into cooked food, soybean milk for oral administration, or ground into powder for external application. Raw soybean is used for soothing the liver and regulating the circulation of qi, while cooked soybean is used for invigoration. Click here to learn TCM Treatment Evaluation for Chronic Pharyngitis.
SUPPLEMENT Black Soybean:
It is of the same family as yellow soybean, but with black skin. It can promote blood circulation, induce diuresis, dispel pathogenic wind and remove the poisonous quality of any substance, and is used for treatment of Edema, abdominal distension or swelling of the extremitles, beriberi due to pathogenic wind, general edema with yellow tinge of skin, migratory arthraliga with clonic spasm of muscle, postpartum convulsive disease, lockjaw, skin and external diseases (such as Carbuncle, deep-rooted carbuncle, furuncle, etc.), and for relieving drug's toxicity. It is easy to cause heat retention and impair the spleen to eat parched black soybean, so valetudinarians and children should not eat it. Though beneficial, it is no good eating cooked black soybean excessively.