Expert ReplyCondition analysis:
Inj.Penidure LA 12 lacs is usually given to all patients having Rheumatic valvular heart disease to prevent spell of rheumatic fever and to prevent further deterioration of valvular lesion.Irrespective of surgery we give Penidure prophylaxis till age of 45 Yrs.Because incidence of recurrent streptococcal sore throat goes down after this age.In case of your mother please evaluate her for her joint pain by CBC,ESR ,CRP and ASO titre.If these reports point towards active rheumatic fever then after completing course of 4 weeks of aspirin she should be give Penidure till another 5 years.My best wishes.
1. Yogurt – Yogurt seems to have a marked effect on the immune system. It strengthens white blood cells and helps the immune system produce antibodies.
2. Garlic – Eating raw garlic or mixing it with green tea can help reduce rheumatic fever. Garlic is a medicinal herb containing anti-fungal properties which is useful for fighting all kinds of infections and their effects.