(1) This disease often happens in the middle-aged and young women at the age of 30 - 40.
(2) There are palpable masses in different sizes and forms in the bilateral or unilateral breast, mostly in the unilateral and upper quadrant or scattered in the whole breast, in soft or slight tough nature. The forms can be in patch or node and can also be divided into mixed type or diffuse type, manifested by unclear margin, smooth surface, good motion and no adhesion to the skin, mostly accompanied by tenderness, and by suffusion and lactorrhea in the nipple in some patients. Continue to read Chinese medicine Treatment for Mastitis.
(3) There is an obvious rule in the form, size and pain severity of the breast mass. Usually, the breast mass becomes enlarged and tougher, and the pain is aggravated in the early days of menstruation. After menstruation, the mass becomes shrunk and softened and the pain is alleviated or disappears automatically.
(4) The patchy shadow of enhanced gland density can be seen in radiography of mammary glands by molybdenum target. The thickened tissue of mammary glands, round or irregular opaca with clear outline and weak echo in the mammary glands can be shown in ultrasonic examination.