Expert ReplyCondition analysis:
Arrhythmia feels like your heart is "POUNDING" or "RACING" They may feel like you have exercised or they may feel like a flutter, a skipped or extra beat, or a heartbeat that simply does not feel normal. Arrhythmia can occur at any time -- while you are simply sitting or moving about normally as you perform your daily activities.
It can be felt in your chest, throat or neck. Although heart palpitations may be startling, they may or may not be related to an abnormal heart rate and are often not serious or harmful.
If you feel:
Have trouble breathing
Pass out while experiencing the palpitations
If you experience these symptoms, call your doctor’s office right away. Also call your doctor’s office if the palpitations are accompanied by pain, pressure, or tightness in your chest, neck, jaw, arms, or upper back; shortness of breath; unusual sweating; or if you experience new or worsening symptoms.
Nattokinase: This is Japanese fermented soybean product. It is used in patients who are suffering from heart arrhythmia. This arrhythmia home remedy is inhibiting the development of blood clots. Before you start using nattokinase, you should consult with your doctor. You should only take the recommended dose of this arrhythmia home remedy from your doctor.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): This enzyme is vital for the production of energy in the heart. It can reduce the risk of arrhythmia for 53%. You should take 200-300 mg per day. If you are taking coenzyme Q10 orally, then you can make your heart stronger, contractions in the heart to be normal and is making the heart to beat strongly. This arrhythmia home remedy is reducing the risk getting arrhythmia and other heart diseases. Also can reduce the risk from death caused by this disease.