1. Wind-Fire and Stagnated-Heat Syndrome
Main Symptoms: It is mostly seen in hand phlegmon, manifested by red swelling, burning pain with unclear margin on the dorsum of the hand, accompanied by aversion to cold, fever, headache, aching sensation in the body, reddened tongue, thin and yellowish coating, superficial and rapid pulse.
2. Dampness-Fire Accumulation Syndrome
Main Symptoms: It is mostly seen in hip phlegmon and foot phlegmon, manifested by local red swelling and burning pain. The burning tumefaction is worse in the center, with unclear margin, or wet ulceration. It is accompanied by aversion to cold, headache, aching sensation in the bone,appetite, brown urine, reddened tongue, yellow and greasy coating, slippery and rapid pulse.
3. Blood Insufficiency Syndrome
Main Symptoms: The decayed flesh has dropped after ulceration, but tumefaction has not be eliminated yet.Or, the wound is in slightly red color, with unfresh granulation and thin discharged pus, accompanied by sallow complexion, low spirit, lassitude, poor appetite, pale tongue, teeth marks on the tongue margin, thin and whitish coating, thready and feeble pulse.