Expert ReplyCondition analysis:
Humans experience arrhythmias all the time. Everyone throws a pvc now and then. It is possible you had an episode of SVT. That would be of little concern as long as you could breath and it passed quickly with no other symptoms. It could even have been caused by caffiene, tiredness, anxiety, etc. Theoretically you could go and have a 24 hr monitoring done along with an ekg, but honestly, they would probably turn out normal. Anorexia is really hard on the organs including the heart. You need to be treated for that and overcome it. It wouldn't hurt to have a complete blood panel too. Electrolyte imbalance from anorexia could cause major heart arrhythmias and death.
Vitamin D: Vitamin D is known as vitamin which is used for strengthening the bones. This vitamin is rarely found in natural forms. It can reduce the stress which in many cases is the reason to get heart arrhythmia. You should consult with your doctor before using this arrhythmia home remedy. Use Vitamin D in the recommended doses from your doctor.
Lady’s slipper orchids: These orchids are native to North America and Europe. They are hard for cultivating in homes. This arrhythmia home remedy can reduce the risk of arrhythmia because is reducing the anxiety. Before start using this herb, you should consult with your doctor about the required amount intake.